Why Godward God?: Reflections on Writing (Pt. 5)

In the previous four posts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4), I’ve explained the essence of this site and why it is called Godward God. However, in this final post, I want to very practically explain why I believe having a forum for writing is a strategic investment in my writing and the Church. In short, I hope, by God’s grace, GodwardGod.com will give expression to many of the things I feel God has been revealing about Himself through the Scriptures in the context of the Church, both past and present. And writing is absolutely key for both the formation and articulation of those truths. In short, writing is an essential practice for those in ministry. While this list is not exhaustive here are ten reasons why I believe this is so:


  1. God is glorified and I get tremendous joy in writing. I love to read, to spend time conversing with other people, to think, and engage but few things give me as much joy as writing.


  1. I hope that in some way the things that are written in this space will be of help to others and they will become stronger in Christ from reading these things.


  1. I have many thoughts that I have wanted to put in a more “formal” space and this will be a tremendous privilege to be able to do this.


  1. Writing helps to clarify thinking. If there is one thing that we all need, it is not simply to learn to think more, but to write more clearly.


  1. While there has been a resurgence over the last several decades in recovering the central truths of the gospel as it is expressed in the Reformed faith, there are many ideas that remain largely underexplored, particularly with reference to understanding how God calls us as Christians to find the greatest joy imaginable in making much of Him.


  1. Writing is an incredibly humbling exercise, because in writing you encounter your utter need for God’s grace not only to write clearly, but to write in accordance with the truth of God’s word.


  1. Writing invites others into your thoughts and words in a new way that allows others to critically examine your ideas and shed light on your blind spots.


  1. Writing help you not to forget the things that God, by His Holy Spirit, has impressed on your mind and heart. I pray these posts will function as a kind of Ebenezer in remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness to me.


  1. With the incredible advancements in technology, there are many new technological advances which can be used for profound good. I pray this is one of them.


  1. I pray that others who do not write formally might read these words and experience the joy of displaying the work of Christ in their own life for others to read.
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