The Context of the Westminster Assembly

My experience over the years as a confessional Presbyterian has been that many who subscribe to or draw heavily upon the Westminster Standards (the Westminster Confession of Faith, Larger Catechism, Shorter Catechism) as the basis for their own theological views understand them in a manner largely disembodied from the historical context in which they were […]

Seeing and Savoring Jesus Through Reading the Bible (Part 2)

Building on the previous article, this article is looking at the final three (of four) essential habits (we looked at one major one last week and three this week) to increasingly see and savor the glory of God in the Scriptures.1 As I said, I’ve chosen those words increasingly and cultivate intentionally. For cultivates underscores […]

Seeing and Savoring Jesus Through Reading the Bible (Part 1)

Over the last seven weeks, we have laid a rock-solid foundation for spiritual growth by taking a tour de force of the Bible’s teaching on how we grow as Christians into the likeness of Christ.1 In these final two articles, I want to end by providing a practical treatment of the specific means God has […]

Inflaming Affections for Christ (Part 3): God’s Vivifying Resurrection Power

These past three weeks we have been considering together the Bible’s blueprint for sanctification—the processes and mechanisms that are typical of spiritual growth.1 In the first article we examined the Spirit-empowered necessity of putting to death of indwelling sin lurking in the recesses of the Christian’s heart. Then, we looked at three implications of union […]

Inflaming Affections for Christ (Part 2): The Implications of Union With Christ and Taking Hold of Your God-Defined Identity

Over the recent weeks we have been considering what the Bible teaches is the blueprint—processes and mechanisms that are typical of spiritual growth, what the Bible calls sanctification.1 In the last post, we examined mortification—the Spirit-empowered putting to death of indwelling sin lurking in the recesses of the Christian’s heart—as a chief mean for inflaming […]

Inflaming Affections for Christ, Part 1: Mortification

In the next three articles, we are going to consider what the Bible teaches is the blueprint—processes and mechanisms that are typical of spiritual growth, what the Bible calls sanctification.1 The next two articles will focus on first regarding ourselves according to our God-defined identity (namely, union with Christ) and second vivification—the coming alive of […]

The Fuel of the Christian Life: Communion with Christ

In previous posts we looked at how our pursuit of our joy by living lives of holiness is founded on union with Christ.1 However, since having real and authentic fellowship or communion with Christ should be the earnest desire of all genuine believers and since a life of holiness is fueled by this communion with Christ, […]

The “Good Bones” of the Christian Life: Union with Christ

“Your house has good bones,” my realtor friend recently said to me.1 I knew what he meant: the foundation and material structure of our home was carefully established using quality materials that guaranteed durable longevity. I suspect at least part of the reason was that the father of the family who previously owned our home […]

God’s Passion for His Holiness

In one of the most famous passages in all the Bible, Paul says that those whom God “foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.” (Romans 8:29).1 In short, Scripture is clear that all who are chosen, called, justified, and will be one day gloried, will grow in Christlikeness in […]